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Interest group tags

Target subscribers by interests

Interest groups (or email tags) target specific audiences by adding custom labels to subscribers. Create groups based on behaviors or interests, and increase engagement with email content tailored for each group.

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Easily create and manage interest groups

Add or remove interest groups, tagging subscribers with as many groups as you want. And the best part? You only pay for the subscribers you use, even if they are in multiple groups.

Let subscribers choose interests

Give subscribers options on the signup form so they can self-select their interests. Use these insights to personalize content and send people ultra-relevant emails that will resonate and convert.

Tag automatically by behaviour

Save time by automatically adding subscribers to groups when they click on specific links. You can then create automation workflows that onboard new subscribers and send them personalized content based on their actions.

Use surveys to group subscribers

Make interest groups more compelling using interactive content blocks. You can use subscriber responses to surveys, quizzes and RSVPs to create specific groups.

Create audiences by signup source

Know where subscribers came from by assigning groups to signup forms. Then send welcome emails and custom content that those subscribers are guaranteed to like.

Target sections to different groups

Show specific content within an email only to certain groups using dynamic content. You control what different groups of subscribers see within the same newsletter.

Send emails people care about

Build trust and increase revenue with email campaigns that truly resonate. Learn what makes subscribers tick and deliver the content, products and services that they're most interested in.

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